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Coal furnace

and pyroligneous extract

Discover the excellence of Maggieco Coal Furnaces and the power of Pyroligneous Extract
A perfect combination for superior results.

About us

Maggieco Ovens

is a family company that creates more efficient, contemporary and sustainable solutions for the coal market.

We develop our projects based on our management experience, always aiming for efficiency and productivity in the production of charcoal and pyroligneous extract.

Conhecemos os desafios e as necessidades de quem trabalha no segmento e, por isso, nos dedicamos a criar projetos alinhados com as particularidades e necessidades de cada cliente.


Years of

Ecological Coal Ovens

Boost your results with Maggieco’s premium line of Coal and Pyroligneous Extract Furnaces – The experts’ choice.


Pyroligneous Extract

The pyroligneous extract can be used in different applications, such as in the chemical industry, agriculture, livestock, reforestation, and soil rectification.

  • Sustainable Process
    Enhancing Sustainability with Renewable and Responsible Technology.
  • Adjuvant
    Commonly used to complement herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and other applications. Enriches the plantation with nutrients.
  • Insect repellent
    The characteristic odor and organic compounds present in the pyroligneous extract have properties that help ward off unwanted insects.
  • Input Reduction
    Pyroligneous extract has volatile organic compounds that can promote plant growth and health in various ways.
  • Root stimulation
    Pyroligneous extract can promote the healthy growth and development of plant root systems.
  • Increased Efficiency
    The use of pyroligneous extract can improve plants' ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

Pyroligneous Extract

Pyroligneous extract has a wide variety of applications in different sectors.

Chemical industry
Soil Rectifier

Any questions left?

Contact one of our experts.

Some frequently asked questions

Not sure about the effectiveness of the product

We can provide scientific studies and testimonials from satisfied customers that prove the effectiveness of pyroligneous extract in various applications such as agriculture, pest control, and wood preservation.

I worry about product safety

Our pyroligneous extract is obtained through safe and controlled pyrolysis processes, ensuring quality without harmful substances. Additionally, we will provide detailed guidance on how to use the product safely.

I don't know how to use the product correctly

Our technical support team is available to provide detailed guidance on best practices for using pyroligneous extract in different applications. We may also provide educational materials and tutorials.


Some testimonials from
Maggieco customers

Glauco Antunes –
FMO Fertilizantes

My interest in doing business with Osmar and Maggi Ecofornos stems from my confidence in their product. He is extremely strict regarding the quality of his pyroligneous extract, and because he has a lot of experience in the market, I feel very secure regarding the products that Maggi Ecofornos provides me. I know that they make a great effort to ensure that the quality doesn’t drop in any way.

Anderson Blaka –
Fazenda Heringer

The range of applications of the pyroligneous extract is very wide. Using it as an adjuvant for herbicides is a way to obtain quick results. Herbicides have a high cost to acquire, consequently the financial impact of reducing the use of these products is quite significant.

Sinésio Leite Filho –
Fazenda Heringer

When we talk about forestry, countless possibilities come to mind. At Heringer Farm, our most common practice was to cut the eucalyptus, make a shallow cut and use the logs to sell to sawmills. The thinnest part was used as fuel to move and dry the coffee. Seeking to increase the use of wood, we created our own sawmill and also chose to work with Maggieco's ecological ovens. At first, we imagined that coal would be the main product, but as time went by, the pyroligneous extract stood out. Our intention is to create a brand for these two products and, in the future, launch them into the market.

Gabriel Barreto –

What really makes me very happy is that they have really good service - you ask and they always answer. Sometimes in the middle of the batch, we called to ask questions, and Osmar, especially, was always very calm. I didn't have much knowledge of coal when I entered this market and they had the patience to explain and help us throughout the partnership. The Maggi oven is also very accessible for those who don't have a lot of funds to invest and that was also important for us at the time

José Antônio –
Fazenda Heringer

I have experience with conventional coal ovens and, knowing about the ecological oven, I noticed many advantages. Maggieco's ovens have exhaust fans that remove dust, and pipes that enable the transformation of smoke into pyroligneous extract. That way, we don't get in direct contact with any of these components. It is also much easier to put the wood in the oven because the doors are larger and, therefore, we can carry out the work as a team.

Rafael Demertine –
Carvoaria Anitense LTDA

I always speak highly of them, because everything we agreed on was fulfilled, and it’s a good guarantee when you see that the person is serious. Regarding the ovens, they are good, they produce well and as promised. It became profitable, I didn't have much to do with the eucalyptus, and this opportunity added value to the coal, as well as the extract and, potentially in the future, the tar. Whenever I needed it, he provided support from a distance and would come here if necessary; he was always present with us. We are very well advised there.
